10 Years of Chun You

Spring is here, and the sun has come out in Sichuan. This weekend, beloved outdoor music festival Chun You 春游 is set to celebrate its tenth year.

The two-day event will be held at Fanmu Heilongtan Music Park, Emei, south of Chengdu. Hosted by indie event organisers Morning 早上好, this year will feature over 100 artists performing across six stages, featuring international guests alongside a hubbub of local staples.

The festival has been an annual tradition for music fans, as the highlight of the Chengdu calendar since 2013. Expect something for everyone — with bands starting from mid-afternoon and dance music cranking till morning, as well as workshops, theatre, screenings and various activities scattered in between.

This year’s international line-up is bigger than ever — featuring acts such as SHORTPARIS, eleventwelfth, Mong Tong, FabassTone and Junior Roy and Bottlesmoker, with dance music fans spoiled for choice with names including Shackleton, upsammy,  Coffintexts, Yushh, Toma Kami and Yuka Mizuhara.

As usual, domestic talent will be featured front and center with local favourites Stolen, KAWA, TAIGA, South Acid Mimi and Jahwahzoo on the Chun You Stage, as well as an all-night line-up of local selectors and club residents from Chengdu and beyond on the Vitamin Stage.

With impeccable live sound and grassroots attitude, the Chun You music experience is unlike any other in China. Despite three venue demolitions, two Covid cancellations (in 2020 and 2022), countless noise complaints, and an endless stream of red tape, the festival is still alive, kicking and sticking to its roots.

Full Line Up

Amphe2000・Aymen・Coffintexts・Darkle・DJ BLUE・DJ ON
DJ Pex・Dustmite・FabassTone meet Junior Roy/live/・G0vernmentsLie
Hazel・Heling・JUGG・Kaishandao/live/・LIANGYI・LUNA LI ・吕志良
M2F・Maria Karan・MikoCycle・PUNX/live/・QiuQiu・Sanyo
Shackleton/live/・Shinichi Osawa・SUNYOUNG・Toma Kami

Kawa乐队・KyoYoko・Lur:・Mola Oddity莫拉怪乐・梦马WildRide
Stolen秘密行动・Taiga・THE WAiiT

Benedek・Chan・Chiyokoo・DiGGERS・DJ D・F61・Flower Boy
Geezer&小王/live/・观自在速递・Haux Haux・Karmasub・Komatsu
Luca・MC Tingbudong/live/・NIS/live/・Orb.・Owan・Pollyhedron
Raypete・Shy Beef・Sonicare b2b SeventyMaos・T3・WONKEY・X.Lee
Yuka Mizuhara

Leonwill&兔子王・Mong Tong・POPOPO・邱斌・水草计划&Rasrankin
Tanzman・梯雲縱CloudJumpper・脱兔Run! Rabbit Run!・汪文伟

朝廷&寒旭・KUN・加子寒・Laurent Lettrée・明暗・苹果・漂流蛋仔



Body Language・Démos&黄冠・三花川剧团・波种ripples




Tickets available here.