Quit punkin’ around: Interview with John Lake

What happens when a Wellingtonian photographer resides in Beijing for three months with a camera, no Mandarin and a passion for punk music? Kiwese caught up with John Lake of Up the Punks down at his current BEIJING DAZE exhibition in Newtown. Hey John! Favourite punk bands in Wellington at the moment? The Johos, Johnny and the Felchers,ContinueContinue reading “Quit punkin’ around: Interview with John Lake”

Flat White Cafe and the Rickshaw Roasters: a Wellington-Beijing Coffee Crew

To live in Beijing is to give oneself to the incredible push and pull of constant human traffic. For a Wellingtonian, sometimes you just need a form of escapism from the urban madness of a city home to 20 million people… and the Flat White Cafes and Rickshaw Roasters coffee havens provide just that. IContinueContinue reading “Flat White Cafe and the Rickshaw Roasters: a Wellington-Beijing Coffee Crew”